All orders are shipped from Switzerland within 2 working days.
Free standard shipping for orders over 100 CHF. For all other orders, 4 CHF will be charged at checkout.
Shipping Method
- Priority (1 business day)
- No packages are delivered on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Please note that your order will be sent as a letter and is therefore not trackable.
Your order should reach you within 2-5 business days.
Free shipping for orders over 100 EUR. For all other orders, 14 EUR will be charged at checkout.
Note: Customs and VAT are not included in the shipping cost. soléa we will not take any responsibility if the order is held at customs. If you refuse to pay the customs and the Bikini is sent back to us you will not get your money refunded.
Priority Plus with tracking (2-6 business days)
Your order should reach you within 4-8 business days.
Free shipping for orders over 100 USD. For all other orders, 17 USD will be charged at checkout.
Note: Customs and VAT are not included in the shipping cost. soléa we will not take any responsibility if the order is held at customs. If you refuse to pay the customs and the Bikini is sent back to us you will not get your money refunded. All Orders to the US are free of duties and tax if they are under 300 USD.
Priority Plus with tracking (4-8 business days)
Your order should reach you within 6-10 business days.